Thursday, October 11, 2007

Not 1337, South Park!

Recently, I wrote an article about a cult that took 15 pound craps. Well, apparently it was a truly inspirational article because last night on South Park, they totally ripped off my idea! In that episode, Stan's dad took a football sized dump and spent the rest of the episode fighting Bono for the "World's Largest Crap" title under the supervision of some sort of fecal governing body.

Of course, being inspired by a 1337 individual like myself is fine. What's not fine is that I got no credit for being their inspiration. Come on guys! I let sexual harassment panda go, but I have to draw the line somewhere! If you're going to continue to rip off my ideas, at least pay me or publicly declare your allegiance to Prime Minister Ninja Andrew Nathaniel Panda Jr. It's the least you can do. You don't want to get on my bad side. Just ask Andy "Chuck" Nierman.

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