Monday, January 22, 2007

Run! Don't try this!

This shirt or cologne makes you a demon!So, I was signing out of MySpace, and instead of the normal scary advertising involving two gay guys having sex with each other (and these ads really need to go, Tom. You are scaring the youth of America! I log onto MySpace to... to, uhh... man, why the f*** do I log onto MySpace? I'm wasting my f***ing life on that s***hole... but I know that I don't log onto MySpace to see gay guys having sex in the ads.), I was treated to an ad for what appears to be a Monty Brown Cologne T-Shirt. This chick scared the living crap out of me while, at the same time giving me that special Miss Lori feeling. If I can remove the scary, this chick will totally rock! To get rid of the scary, I need to figure out exactly what caused her to become possessed by the demonic entity. This could take years of trial and error research!

Luckily, it didn't. It turns out that my first guess was right. I put on an equivalent shirt and cologne, and sure enough, I too had become demon possessed and scary! I was so scary that 1/10 of my porn girls temporarily didn't want me! It was horrifying, as you can see.
They turned me into a demon too!!!Luckily, in my demon rage I attacked a group of people (there had to be like 5 or 20 of them... and they had baseball... ok, ok, wiffle ball bats) who mugged me (I lost all ninja ability as a demon) and pepper sprayed me.
By removing the evil shirt and masking the demonic odor (and stealing my wallet... damn middle school punks), they had freed me of the demonic grasp! Now, I simply need to find the original girl and save her as I was saved. I'm coming honey! Don't eat too many pedestrians!


Friday, January 19, 2007

Does it make me a freak...

I Love Miss Lori!Does it make me a freak if I totally want to do the PBS Kids host lady? I can't help it. Miss Lori totally gets me going! I want to bend her over the purple possibility bag and get after it! I watch her every morning, and cannot help being captivated by her Latina yumminess. Do you realize how awkward it is to watch Curious George while aroused? Can you imagine about losing it when her lips mouth "Big Red" when introducing Clifford? She's amazing!
However, as much as a 1337 individual like myself thinks like this, not everyone agrees. For example, lesser internet publisher, Amy (aka Mama Nirvana), who I might add is not a ninja, blasted Miss Lori on her blog (
She said:
[He] is constantly wondering aloud how much money she donated to PBS in order to get this gig. Let me just say that I would rather watch 16 hours of Barney, straight, than have to spend a morning with this lady and her little hamster/ground hog. And if I have to hear her sing one more song, out of tune, I might add, or watch her delve into her "purple possiblity bag" one more time, I might just take one of John's golf clubs to the television. Yes, she's that bad.
I fixed her wagon boy howdy! I left her this 1337 comment:
HEY! Leave Miss Lori alone! Kill the gerbil if you want, though. I hate Hooper. Lab project, anyone? And don't get me started on the dumb kids doing projects. They have to go!
As for Miss Lori, she rocks. Sure, she over-enunciates her words. Sure, the plots are stupid. Sure, the set and songs are either crack induced or the product of a bad acid trip.
However, Barney is worse in each of those categories, and it is a continuous 30ish straight minutes of horror! Besides, Miss Lori makes me feel special... you know what I mean... she makes me feel special in that special way. She is one smokin' Latina mami! I don't care how goofy she acts. She looks awesome doing it! That's a lot to say, seeing as, judging by her wardrobe, it appears she lives in her car. She only owns one set of clothes and you are blasting her! Have a heart!
Sometimes, it is not as mentally draining as you may think. For example, the one where they couldn't figure out what the funny little squeak was, it took me until the third viewing (I only watch during Curious George, so I never see the resolution later in the morning) to realize it was the board she stepped on at the beginning. I thought she was queefing! I was rolling on the floor laughing with a raging "special!"
The Republic of Andyville officially supports Miss Lori Holton Nash with every inch of its being! Someday, something kinky will come out of the purple possibility bag, and that will be the day you all eat your words!
We'll just have to see if Amy has anything more to say about me or my darling Lori now!


Wednesday, January 3, 2007

I'm so 1337

Ok, I have to make this quick. Andyville has been slightly overrun by smart asses, and I know that I have this place to myself. Ha ha! Andyville still 0wn5 though. You're a roundtable!

If 0n1y w3 w3r3 411 45 1337 45 Ninj4 4ndy...