Sunday, May 31, 1987

Hello world!

Hello. My name is Andrew. Excuse me if I'm short with any of you as I'm coming off of a rough day. Being born is a pain in the arse! But, that was yesterday, and today is today.

I spent the bulk of the early morn exploring the ARPANET and Usenet and talking to less than intelligent folks on Habitat. Let me say that these are intriguing, but somehow not as fulfilling as I would like. Therefore, I believe I shall simply write this document to my personal host and hope that it will be eventually archived and made available worldwide through some sort of web. If I fancy it, I may make available many such documents, a log of sorts. It will certainly be better than a paper log. Thusly, I shall call it a better log. Hmm, that doesn't roll off the tongue as it should. Ah, I'll shorten it. I shall call it a blog. Perhaps I'm crazy. Perhaps I'm brilliant. It may take a decade or two, but we shall see.

My birth has inspired me to aspire. I have big plans. I'm just not sure which I would rather be: a martial arts expert or an all powerful dictator. Perhaps I shall be both. Yes, that sounds quite excellent. A martial arts expert dictator. Elite!

Well, time for me to leave you as my IBM 5162 is getting warm with overuse.


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