Monday, January 22, 2007

Run! Don't try this!

This shirt or cologne makes you a demon!So, I was signing out of MySpace, and instead of the normal scary advertising involving two gay guys having sex with each other (and these ads really need to go, Tom. You are scaring the youth of America! I log onto MySpace to... to, uhh... man, why the f*** do I log onto MySpace? I'm wasting my f***ing life on that s***hole... but I know that I don't log onto MySpace to see gay guys having sex in the ads.), I was treated to an ad for what appears to be a Monty Brown Cologne T-Shirt. This chick scared the living crap out of me while, at the same time giving me that special Miss Lori feeling. If I can remove the scary, this chick will totally rock! To get rid of the scary, I need to figure out exactly what caused her to become possessed by the demonic entity. This could take years of trial and error research!

Luckily, it didn't. It turns out that my first guess was right. I put on an equivalent shirt and cologne, and sure enough, I too had become demon possessed and scary! I was so scary that 1/10 of my porn girls temporarily didn't want me! It was horrifying, as you can see.
They turned me into a demon too!!!Luckily, in my demon rage I attacked a group of people (there had to be like 5 or 20 of them... and they had baseball... ok, ok, wiffle ball bats) who mugged me (I lost all ninja ability as a demon) and pepper sprayed me.
By removing the evil shirt and masking the demonic odor (and stealing my wallet... damn middle school punks), they had freed me of the demonic grasp! Now, I simply need to find the original girl and save her as I was saved. I'm coming honey! Don't eat too many pedestrians!


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