Friday, March 30, 2007

Gone Phishing

Phishing is stupid. It relies on the fact that people are idiots. That's why it works so well on the internet. Until now, I always hear people who have been phished referred to as "victims". That's crap! If they are really victims, they are only victims of being stupid. I propose, right here in a 1337N355 exclusive, that we call these people "phish". It makes perfect sense. What is the goal of phishing? To catch phish! The better phishermen have better phish bait for the idiotic phish, and therefore, better phishermen have more phish phished with their internet.

Now that I got that out of the way, I'm going to tell the story of how a phisherman pissed me off from a phished account and how I punished the phish for the actions of the phisherman.

I checked my messages today on the space that has been allocated to me, and next to all the messages from all the porn girls interested in the 8"/More to love combo, and the spam from 86 girls named Paris, there was the following message:
Whats up? hey, was just browsing your page and thought it was a bit week. You should spice it up. I found some really sweet images,hacks,layouts. Whats it going to hurt to look?

Pimp Your Space!

Get some new content for your myspace page.

Pimp Your Space!

Thank me later

So lame!!! My layout is exceptionally 1337 without all the lame 4N7|1337 crap other people put on theirs! Of course, I figured this was a spammer. I checked the profile to discover that it seemed to be a real (although, somewhat slow) person! Why real? People that leave her comments seem to legitimately know her. Why slow? Here's her "About me":
soooo im Chelsea! i am a senior at Henry Clay and i %D?bsolutly LOVE it! im headin to college in the fall,%D?nd i sooo canNOT believe that i am about to leave%D%Ahigh school. i looove fashion, make-up, and all the%D%A"prisssy" things =]! i am a bit wild, haha..i mean %D%Ai am always up for the partyy! i have tons of friends, %D?ut the ones that mean the most consist of kenz,jordan,alex,chance,and annmarie. DONT KNOW WHERE%D%Ai would be without them.%D%A..uhhhm lets see... %D%Ai get along with anyone who likes me..pretty much i am%D? PEOPLE person. i try not to judge people by the way%D%Athey look..thats just stuck up and thats not me.%D%Ai am SINGLE at the moment. Long relationships%D?nd bad endings suck..sooo i have kind of decided %D%Ato stay single until i actually find someone%D%Aiknow i want to be with for a while. annnd unfortuanatly i have not found him[yet].%D%Ai guess thats about it.. if you wanna know anything else %D%Ayou can ask me! iloveyouALL!

... and her " Who I'd like to meet":
A guy, whoo appreciates me, shows that he cares, and does anything that makes me happy. PRETTTY much, i want to meet my soul mate. =)%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A
%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A%D%A %D%A%D%A


I think she's having seizures or something, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I had to reply to Chelsea:
Week? What week? It must be NEXT week because my page is 13373R than anything produced to date. Why would I want lame crap like all you other 14M3R5 have when I produce the 1337357 content around at Andyville and The Prime Minister's 1337N355? Have you not seen Sponge Bob Square Holly?

Change your password little phish. The spammers have pwned you and caused you to recieve a verbal bitchslap from me,

Prime Minister Ninja Andrew Nathaniel Panda Jr.

Hopefully, a dose of 1337N355 will change her life.


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