Friday, June 15, 2007

Toot Toot!

So, I got on MySpace again today to see if Tom was still threatening death upon me, and instead I found new friend requests... woohoo!

Lets see... porn girl, porn girl, porn girl, porn guuuy (ewwww!), sausage sling, porn girl, porn girl, retard, porn girl, Tom (no, you can not be my friend! Stop bothering me!), porn girl, rag doll, porn girl, boat... BOAT?

Remona the BoatA boat wants to be my friend? That's a little out of the ordinary, but surely enough, Remona the boat wants to be my friend.

Now, I'm not sure what to think of this. I understand why all the porn girls want to be my friend. They want some of the 8"/More to Love. Why would a boat want to have sex with me?

I decided that the only logical thing to do would be to check Remona's profile for clues. It didn't take long for me to figure out exactly what was going on.

Remona's crazy owner with the giant labial piercingAha! It's so obvious! As you can tell by this picture of Remona's owner, Remona's owner is completely friggin' insane! No sane person would have a labial piercing that big! Remona is calling out to me in an attempt to escape her crazy owner with the most ridiculously over-sized labial piercing I've ever seen! I mean, look at that thing! It's so big that it hangs out from under her skirt! It even appears to be so large that it has its own electric wiring, possibly with separate meter installation. You can even see the insanity on her face (either that or the agony of all that weight hanging from her barn door). You can tell that there is definitely something wrong.

Anyway, I don't want to have sex with you, Remona, but I can save you from the crazy girl. My contact in Florida (who is NOT Norman Smiley) will hook you up with an overland passage to the wide open sea. You're free little boat! You're free!

Remona: Andy, you're So 1337!

I know.


1 comment:

Big Cray said...

Ah, so your Orlando source can provide connections to the wide open sea, eh? Then I concede my case that it is in fact Norman Smiley. It is now plainly obvious that it is Shark Boy.

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