Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Crazy Carrie

So, I'm on TomSpace, wasting my life, and I get a friend request from a porn girl named Carolina. What a lazy porn girl! Couldn't she come up with a cool name like Ava Devine, Lisa Sparxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, or Angela D'Angelo? Carolina? That's a state! States aren't sexy!

So, I went to her profile to message her about her name needing to be more sexy when I saw that her profile was just a picture overlaid over the profile trying to look like a profile! Wow, this is like backwards of when they were putting pictures under my pictures. Look how "convincing" this picture is:
Carrie's Fake Profile
All the lettering looks just as crisp as in this picture of the top of Andyville I converted from PNG to JPG to GIF to JPG:
Andyville Blurry

Of course, I'll let Carrie get away with that, as she, like many of my other porn girls, seems to have issues. For one, she can't spell Horny or use the right smiley for it. Actually, she doesn't even have an age or location. However, that might all be because she's not on MySpace, but on MySpace Canada. They don't even have gravity there yet!

She also seems to have multiple personalities, as shown in this illustration:
Carolina is Consistent
Her name is Carolina, but she is listed in 3 places on this one page as KinkyLaura DirtySarah, and Karatron. WTF? All of these are better porn names than Carolina! Why don't you use these, Carrie? Of course, I guess we are talking about Canada here, so maybe that's just her full name split up. Carolina KinkyLaura DirtySarah Karatron of Winetoba, Manipeg, Canada. It even makes sense the way they smash words together. It's like Newfoundland. But, that means that you'd pronounce KinkyLaura as Kanna and DirtySarah as Diarrhea. Wait... Kanna Diarrhea? OMG! This is like that cult that craps in bottles! I need to get away from this chick!

But... I think I might check out her Siamese twin friends. Siamese twin porn girls connected at the head! They look like they might be fun.


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